Syracuse Onondaga NAACP LIVE Event
View Our Live Events Here When Scheduled
March On Washington – 60th Anniversary- August 26, 2023
Focus on Mental Health – Listen to our discussion about the Mental Health Crisis in our community
Syracuse Onondaga County NAACP members & special guests Dr. Sunny Aslam, Tatiana Williams, LCSW, Novelette Pierce, LMSW and moderator, Latoya Jones, BS, HSA, LPN gathered for a discussion on mental health at our April monthly General Membership Meeting in person at Peaceful Schools located at 161 Intrepid Lane in Syracuse, New York.
As budget discussions among state legislators pick up speed at the Capitol, health care and community leaders convened on at SUNY Educational Opportunity Center on Thursday, March 23, 2023. Following the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network’s (ACS CAN) release of local data outlining the link between tobacco use and cancer diagnoses and deaths, the NAACP of Syracuse and Onondaga County organized local leaders to convene and address the policy pathways to reduce tobacco use and, with it, cancer incidence and death. Speakers discussed the impact these data have on the Syracuse community, particularly residents of color who are disproportionately impacted by tobacco-related illness and disease, as well as Governor Hochul’s tobacco proposals, which include an end to the sale of all flavored tobacco products and menthol cigarettes and a $1 per pack increase on the state cigarette tax. The groups represented called on the state legislature to act on these proposals and increase funding for tobacco cessation programs, like the New York State Tobacco Control Program. Dr. Bill Hines, MD, Counseling, Addiction and Psychological Services (CAPS), Syracuse Community Health, Dr. Michael A. Archer, Division of Thoracic Surgery, SUNY-Upstate Medical University, Amy Grover, American Heart Association, Community Action Committee Chair,Linda Brown-Robinson, Western Regional Director, NAACP NYS Conference and Tracy DiGenova, CNY Regional Representative, Office of the Governor Kathy Hochul. We thank all who particpated to bring focus to this important issue.

Let’s Get Out & Vote! Join us for our October General Membership Meeting