Take the ACE Your Health Survey
The ACE Your Health initiative is supported by a collaboration between the NAACP and Sanofi to understand the resources available in communities that help people lead their healthiest lives. We want to identify the strengths and gaps in areas such as access to healthy food, quality healthcare, housing, transportation, and green spaces. Your feedback will be vital to advancing health equity by helping us address disparities and advocate for solutions that build stronger, healthier, and more equitable communities. START THE SURVEY
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Black Consumer Advisory
Visit our website to read the full advisory and sign the Black Consumer Pledge to spend intentionally, demand accountability, support Black businesses, and stay informed.
Join us for our Candidate Forums!
Our next candidate forum is on Oct 18, 2024 at Syracuse Community Connections located at 402 South Avenue Syracuse, NY at 6:00 p.m.
Community Events, Economic Development, FYI..., NAACP Syracuse...In the News, News, Syracuse NAACP Action Alerts
Take Our Economic Development Survey
Why you should join the NAACP
CIVIL RIGHTS, SOCIAL JUSTICE, AND YOU As a member, you’ll make a difference each and every day in this fight and become part of a vibrant community of people who stand for justice and equality. NAACP relies on the commitment and dedication of our members to help us stand up to racial disparities that are still too prevalent in America. Your membership allows you to: Work with activists and organizers in local NAACP branches Organize marches, rallies, and direct action campaigns to bring attention to local issues Support access to quality education, healthcare, economic opportunities Advocate for laws and policies to improve your community Participate in voter registration and get out…
Syracuse NAACP Membership
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