NAACP And Uber Highlight Upstate Transportation Needs
Capital Tonight – The New York State Conference of the NAACP and ride-hailing company Uber on Monday released a report highlighting the transportation needs of the state’s major upstate cities — finding deficiencies in Albany, Syracuse, Rochester and Buffalo.
Both the company and the NAACP found in the report that the needs for adequate transportation are greatest in helping provide for economic growth.
“This report confirms the sad truth that inadequate public transportation options have created a barrier preventing low-income communities from enjoying the benefits of a growing economy in Upstate New York,” said NAACP New York State Conference President Hazel Dukes.
“It is now clearer than ever that allowing ridesharing in all of New York’s cities is not just a matter of economic common sense, it’s also a matter of economic justice.”
The report comes as ride-hailing apps like Uber and Lyft are pushing to expand into upstate cities, which could be part of a state budget agreement that’s expected to pass at the end of this month.
The transportation issues vary by the city, the report found.
Buffalo’s transportation network is meeting the demand of a growing workforce, which has increased by 10,000 people over the last three years. Meanwhile, nearly 14 percent do not have a car that can take them to work.
In Albany, more than 14 percent of the workforce lack a vehicle, while the report says current public transportation is limited after 8 p.m. in certain areas
In Rochester, there are more than 20,000 families deemed low-income who do not own cars and bus service can be spaced 75 minutes apart at night on the weekends.
In Syracuse, bus options are also scaled back after 8 p.m.
“The facts in this report can not be ignored: Upstate New York continues to be left behind, as struggling communities are stuck in transit deserts,” said Josh Mohrer, the general manager of Uber NY.
“Uber can be an important complement to existing public transit options in cities across New York State. Now it’s time for the Legislature to ignore New York City special interests and allow Upstate to join the 47 other States and New York City where residents have access to reliable, affordable transportation options.”
The full report can be found here.
-Nick Reisman. @NickReisman.